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Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Chinese

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Chaplet of Divine Mercy
On the First Bead – The Our Father Bead:
yǒngshēng zhī fù
永生- yǒngshēng = eternal life 之- zhī = (possessive particle)
父- fù = father
wǒ bǎ nín zhì'ài zhī zǐ
我- wǒ = I 把- bǎ = to hold, to contain, to take hold of
您- nín = you 至愛- zhì'ài = most beloved
之- zhī = (possessive particle) 子- zǐ = son
wǒmen de zhǔ Yēsū Jīdū de shèngtǐ shèng xuè
我們- wǒmen = we 的- de = (possessive marker)
主- zhǔ = Lord, God
耶穌基督- Yēsū Jīdū = Jesus Christ 的- de = (possessive marker)
聖體- shèngtǐ = Jesus’ Body, Communion, Holy Body
聖血- shèng xuè = Jesus’ Blood, Holy Blood
línghún jí Tiān Zhǔ xìng fèngxiàn gěi nín
靈魂- línghún = soul, spirit 及- jí = and
 天主- Tiān Zhǔ = Lord of Heaven God + 性- xìng = nature, character, quality = Divinity
奉獻- fèngxiàn = to consecrate, to dedicate, to devote
給- gěi = to give    您- nín = you
yǐ péi bǔ wǒmen jí pǔshì de zuìguo
 以- yǐ = to use, according to, by means of, in order
賠-péi = to compensate for   補-bǔ = to mend, to repair, to atone
我們- wǒmen = our      及- jí = and, in time for
普世- pǔshì = ecumenical, universal 的- de = (possessive marker)
罪過- zuìguo = sin, offense
On the 10 beads, The Hail Mary Beads
yīn tā de zhì bēicǎn kǔnàn
因-yīn = becaue 祂-tā = he (pronoun for God)
的- de = (possessive marker) 至- zhì = most
悲慘- bēicǎn = miserable, sorrowful 苦難- kǔnàn = suffering, passion
qiú nín chuí lián wǒmen jí pǔshì
求- qiú = to request, to seek     您- nín = you
垂-chuí = hand down, bequeath, 憐-lián = to pity  我們- wǒmen = our 及- jí = and, in time for
普世- pǔshì = ecumenical, universal
On the last Our Father bead: 結尾時,唸三次
zhì shèng Tiān Zhǔ
至- zhì = most     聖-shèng = Holy
天主- Tiān Zhǔ = Lord of Heaven God
zhì shèng qiángyǒulì
至- zhì = most 聖-shèng = Holy
強有力- qiángyǒulì = strong, forceful
者-zhě = (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ...
zhì shèng chángcún zhě
至- zhì = most 聖-shèng = Holy
長存- chángcún = to exist forever, eternal
者-zhě = (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ...
qiú nín chuí lián wǒmen jí pǔshì
求- qiú = to request, to seek    您- nín = you
垂-chuí = hand down, bequeath, 憐-lián = to pity 我們- wǒmen = our 及- jí = and, in time for 普世- pǔshì = ecumenical, universal

the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

1st. On the Crucifix you pray the Our Father/ Pater Noster
to begin.

2nd . You then pray one Hail Mary / Ave Maria

3rd.   Pray the Apostles Creed / Symbolum Apostolorum


Then on the First bead of the Rosary you pray:


Eternal Father      英文 
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Thy dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and for the sins of the whole world.

Latin Version: Pater aeterne  拉丁文
Pater aeterne, offero tibi Corpus et Sanguinem, animam et divinitatem dilectissimi Filii Tui, Domini nostri, Iesu Christi, in propitiatione pro peccatis nostris et totius mundi.

Response: on Each of 10 decade beads of the Rosary      


For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Latin Version:   拉丁文
Pro dolorosa Eius passione, miserere nobis et totius mundi.

Pray this final prayer on the Last Bead of the Rosary.

Holy God     英文 
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us and on the whole world.

Latin version: Sanctus Deus  拉丁文
Sanctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis et totius mundi.

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I would like to possibly expand the website and and do some more printing of materials, but I can't do that without some money.

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Thank You!

Our Father,
The Glory Be
Nicene Creed
Apostles Creed
Hail Mary/ The Rosary
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Hail Holy Queen
St. Michael Prayer
Guardian Angel Prayer
The Golden Arrow
Act of Contrition / Confession Guide
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