Catholic Prayers : Chinese to English and English to Chinese

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All Booklets are available for Free.
But please consider making a $1 US dollar donation as a gift for supporting this website and what we do. 
When you go to Donate it will take you the PayPal website which will procure your donation in a secure setting. 
After you will be directed to another website connected to this website and you may download one booklet or all of them, if you would like.  All you need to do is click on the tab with the names of the booklet at the top of page.  Each tab will take you to each booklet.  
Please feel free to make as many copies of the booklet as you would like and share them, but presently here we don't have printer and need some money to print copies of these booklets.  
 Your donation will be greatly appreciated and will go to help the Church by the sharing of these treasured prayers of the Church and we will always tithe  10% of your given donation and the rest is used for printing.
Thank you very much for your support.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

虔誠的祈禱至聖容基督 Prayers of Devotion to The Holy Face of Christ in Chinese (basic edition)
You can preview and download the booklet at

虔誠的祈禱至聖容基督 Prayers of Devotion to The Holy Face of Christ in Chinese (complete edition)
You can preview and download the booklet at
Just click the link above.

Below are links for each individual booklet.

BOOKLETS for going to Mass! 
You can preview and download the booklet at
  Just click the link above.

BOOKLETS for going to Mass! 
You can preview and download the booklet at
  Just click the link above.

Traditional Catholic Prayers in Chinese (Basic Edition) 
You can preview and download the booklet at
  Just click the link above.

Traditional Catholic Prayers in Chinese (Complete Edition)
You can preview and download the booklet at
Just click the link above.

A Guide to Confession in Chinese (Basic Edition)

You can preview and download the booklet at
Just click the link above.

A Guide to Confession in Chinese (Complete Edition)

You can preview and download the booklet at
Just click the link above.

If you would like to make a non-diductable donation please feel free.

Donation are made via paypal and are secured through their services.

I would like to possibly expand the website and and do some more printing of materials, but I can't do that without some money.

If you have any questions please e-mail me.

Thank You!


Our Father,
The Glory Be
Nicene Creed
Apostles Creed
Hail Mary/ The Rosary
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Hail Holy Queen
St. Michael Prayer
Guardian Angel Prayer
The Golden Arrow
Act of Contrition / Confession Guide
Free Media / Audio Downloads
Catechism in Chinese Booklet
Free Bookets / Donation
Links and Info


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