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St. Michael Prayer in Chinese

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St. Michael Prayer in Chinese
[總領天使之一 ]
zǒng lǐng tiānshǐ zhīyī
總- zǒng = to assemble, to gather    
領- lǐng = to lead
天使-tiānshǐ = Angel   
之一 - zhīyī =one out of a multitude
shèng míéěr zǒng lǐng tiānshǐ
聖-shèng =holy, sacred, Saint    
彌額爾-míéěr = Michael
總-zǒng = chief, + 領-lǐng = to lead + 天使-tiānshǐ = Angel = Archangel
zài zhànzhēng de rìzi lǐ bǎowèi wǒmen
在-zài = in, at, on, (preposition of place)
 戰爭- zhànzhēng = war, conflict
的-de = (possessive marker)
日子-rìzi = day, a date
裏-lǐ = lining, interior, inside, internal
保衛-bǎowèi = to defend, to safeguard
我們-wǒmen = we
miǎn wǒmen xiànrù móguǐ xié'è de yīnmóu
免-miǎn = to excuse, to remove
我們-wǒmen = we
陷入-xiànrù = to get caught up in
魔鬼-móguǐ = devil
邪惡-xié'è = sinister, wicked, evil
的-de = (possessive marker)
陰謀-yīnmóu = plot, conspiracy
hé jiānzhà de xiànjǐng zhōng
和-hé = and, together with, union
奸詐-jiānzhà =treachery, devious, a rogue
的-de = (possessive marker)
陷阱-xiànjǐng = a trap, a snare
中-zhōng = in, middle, center,
wǒmen qiānbēi de qíqiú
我們-wǒmen = we
謙卑-qiānbēi =humble
地-de = (structural particle)/ Earth
祈求-qíqiú = to pray for, to appeal
dànyuàn shàng zhǔ qiǎnzé tā
但願-dànyuàn =if only, I wish (that)
上主-shàng zhǔ= Lord Above, Lord in Heaven
譴責-qiǎnzé = to denounce, to condemn,
牠-tā = it, (used for animals) him, (satan, the devil)
shàngtiān wàn jūn de tǒngshuài
上天-shàngtiān = Heaven, God
萬-wàn = a great number
軍-jūn = army 的-de = of, (possessive marker)
統帥-tǒngshuài = command, commander-in-chief
qiú nǐ yīn shàng zhǔ de wēi néng
求-qiú =to request, to beseech
你-nǐ = you
因-yīn = cause, reason, because
上主-shàng zhǔ= Lord Above, Lord in Heaven
的-de = of, (possessive marker)  
威-wēi =power, might, prestige
能-néng = to be able to, can,
bǎ páihuái rénjiān
把-bǎ = to hold, to contain, to grasp, to take hold of
徘徊-páihuái = to hover around, to linger, (watch over)
人間-rénjiān = the human world, Earth
yǐn yòurén líng
引-yǐn = to lead, to guide, to provide justification
誘人-yòurén = attractive, captivating
靈-líng =efficacious, effective, spirit, departed soul
shǐ qí sàngwáng de sā dān jí qítā xiélíng
使-shǐ = to make, to cause, to enable, to use, to send to
其-qí = (possessive pronoun) (refers to possessive preceding it)
喪亡-sàngwáng = to die    
的-de = of, (possessive marker)
撒-sā = to let go, to cast, to let loose  
殫-dān =entirely, to exhaust
及-jí = and 其他-qítā = in addition to the person mentioned previously 邪靈-xiélíng = evil spirits
pāoxià dìyù lǐ qù yà mèng
拋下-pāoxià =to throw down to 地獄- dìyù =hell 裏-lǐ =inside, internal 去-qù = to go to, to send to 亞孟- yà mèng = Amen

St. Michael Prayer    English

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Saint Michael Prayer/  
Oratio ad Sanctum Michael

向聖彌額爾總領天使禱文 妥貼   拉丁文
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.

click here to download St. Michael Prayer in Latin Oratio ad Sanctum Michael mp3

 向聖彌額爾總領天使禱文 拉丁文    下載  上邊   mp3 

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