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Confiteor in Chinese

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  The Confiteor

New English  Translation


I confess to almighty God  and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God




Latin Translation:    拉丁文


Confiteor Deo omnipotenti beatae Mariae Semper Virgini, beatae Michaeli Archangeli, Beatae Joanne Baptistae, sanctis apostolisti, Petro et Paulo quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, opere, et omissióne: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Vírginem, omnes Angelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.

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認罪禱告文 拉丁文 下載 上邊 mp3




我向 全能 的 天主 和 各位教友
wǒ xiàng quánnéng de Tiān Zhǔ hé gèwèi jiàoyǒu
我- wǒ = I 向- xiàng = to turn towards
全能- quánnéng = omnipotent
的- de = of (structural particle)
天主- Tiān Zhǔ = Lord of God of Heaven
和- hé = and, together, with,
各位- gèwèi = everybody
教友-jiàoyǒu = Church member
承認 我 思    言
chéngrèn wǒ sī   yán
承認- chéngrèn = to admit, to concede, to recognize
我- wǒ = I          思- sī = to think, to consider
言- yán = words, speech
行 為 上 的 過失
xíng wéi shǎng de guòshī
行- xíng = behavior, conduct
為- wéi = to act as, to serve as, to behave as, to become
上- shǎng = above, upon
的- de = of (structural particle)
過失- guòshī= defect, fault
我 罪 我 罪 我 的 重罪
wǒ zuì wǒ zuì wǒ de zhòngzuì
我- wǒ = I           罪- zuì= guilt, crime, sin
的- de= (possessive marker)
重罪- zhòngzuì = serious, crime, felony
為此 懇請 終身 童貞 聖母 瑪利亞
wèicǐ kěnqǐng zhōngshēn tóngzhēn Shèngmǔ Mǎlìyà
為此-wèicǐ= for this reason, in this respect, in order to do this
 懇請-kěnqǐng= to request earnestly
終身- zhōngshēn= lifelong, all one’s life
童貞- tóngzhēn = virginity, chastity
聖母- Shèngmǔ = Holy Mother     瑪利亞- Mǎlìyà = Mary
天使 聖人
tiānshǐ shèngrén
天使- tiānshǐ = angel      聖人 - shèngrén= Saints
和 你們 各位教友
hé nǐmen gèwèi jiàoyǒu
和- hé = and, together, with    
你們- nǐmen = you (plural)     各位- gèwèi = everybody
教友-jiàoyǒu = Church member
為 我 祈求 上主
wèi wǒ qíqiú shǎng zhǔ
為- wéi = to act as, to serve as, to behave as, to become
我- wǒ = I         祈求- qíqiú = to pray for, to appeal
上主- shǎng zhǔ= Lord above
我 們 的 天主
wǒ men de Tiān Zhǔ 
我- wǒ = I 們- men= (plural pronoun signifier)
的- de= (possessive marker) wǒmende = Our
天主- Tiān Zhǔ = Heavenly God   阿門 - Āmén = Amen

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