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Mass Prayers for middle of Mass (Liturgy of the Eucharist)

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Here are the prayers for the Middle of the Liturgy,  the Liturgy of the Eucharist part of the Mass. These are the prayers that are to be said by those that attend mass.

Holy Holy Holy at Mass
Shèng, shèng, shèng, Shàng zhŭ
 聖- Shèng = holy 上主 - Shàng zhŭ = Lord, master above
wàn yŏu de Tiānzhǔ,
萬有- wàn yŏu = universal 的 – de = possesive marker
天主 - Tiānzhǔ = heavenly lord, God
Nĭ de guāngróng chōngmǎn tiāndì.
祢的 - nĭ de = your 光榮 - guāngróng= honor and glory
充滿 - chōngmǎn = full of, permeated 天地 - tiāndì = Heaven and Earth
Huan hu zhī shēng,
歡呼 - Huan hu = to acclaim
之 – zhī = (possessive particle)/ him, her, it
聲 – shēng = voice, sound, / classifer for sounds
Xiăng chè yún xiāo.
響徹 - Xiăng chè = to resound, to resonate
雲霄- yún xiāo = the skies, the Heavens, Heaven
Fèng Shàng zhŭ míng ér lái dė,
奉 – Fèng = to offer 上主 - Shàng zhŭ = lord above, high Lord, God
名 – míng = name, place, famous
而 - ér = and, as well as, / (indicates causal relation)
來 – lái = to come, to arrive 的 – de = possesive marker
dāng shòu zàn meĭ.
當 – dāng = to be, to act as 受 – shòu = to receive, to accept,
 讚美 - zàn meĭ = to praise
Huān hū zhi sheng,
歡呼 – huānhū = to acclaim
之 – zhī = (possessive particle)/ him, her, it
聲 – shēng = voice, sound, / classifer for sounds
Xiăng chè yún xiao.
響徹 - Xiăng chè = to resound, to resonate
雲霄- yún xiāo = the skies, the Heavens, Heaven
Memorial Acclamation
Jīdū, wŏmen chuán bào Nĭ de shèng sĭ,
基督 - Jīdū = Christ 我們 – wŏmen = we, us, our
傳報 - chuán bào = memorial
祢 – Nĭ = you 的 – de = (possesive marker)
聖 – shèng = holy, sacred 死 – sĭ = to die
wŏmen gē sòng Nĭ dė fù huó,
我們 – wŏmen = we, us, our
歌頌 - gē sòng = to sing the praises of, to extol
祢 – Nĭ = you 的 – de = (possesive marker)
復活 - fù huó = resurrection
wŏmen qí dài Nĭ guāng róng de lái lín.
我們 – wŏmen = we, us, our
期待 - qí dài = to look forward to, to await, expectation
祢 – Nĭ = you 光榮 - guāng róng = honor and glory 地 – de = -ly, (structural particle, used before a verb or adjective, linking it to a preceding modifying adverbial adjunct)
來臨 - láilín = to approach, to come closer

Lamb of God Prayer
Chú miăn shì zuì de Tiānzhŭ gāoyáng, qíu Nĭ chuí lián wŏmen.
除- chú = to get rid of, to remove, to wipe out
免 – miăn = to excuse, to exempt 世 – shì = world, life, age, epoch
罪 – zuì = sin, 的 – de = (possesive particle)
天主 - Tiānzhǔ = Heavenly Lord, God
羔羊 - gāoyáng = sheep, lamb
求- qiú = to request, to seek 您- nín = you
垂-chuí = hand down, bequeath, 憐-lián = to pity
我們 – wŏmen = us, we,
Chú miăn shì zuì de Tiānzhŭ gāoyáng, qíu Nĭ chuí lián wŏmen.
除- chú = to get rid of, to remove, to wipe out
免 – miăn = to excuse, to exempt 世 – shì = world, life, age, epoch 罪 – zuì = sin, 的 – de = (possesive particle)
天主 - Tiānzhǔ = Heavenly Lord, God
羔羊 - gāoyáng = sheep, lamb
求- qiú = to request, to seek 您- nín = you
垂-chuí = hand down, bequeath, 憐-lián = to pity
我們 – wŏmen = us, we,
Chú miăn shì zuì de Tiānzhŭ gāoyáng, qíu ní cìgěi wǒmen píng'ān.
除- chú = to get rid of, to remove, to wipe out
免 – miăn = to excuse, to exempt 世 – shì = world, life, age, epoch 罪 – zuì = sin, 的 – de = (possesive particle)
天主 - Tiānzhǔ = Heavenly Lord, God
羔羊 - gāoyáng = sheep, lamb
求- qiú = to request, to seek 祢- ní = you
賜給 – sìgeĭ = to bestow, to give
我們 – wŏmen = us, we
平安 - píng'ān = peace,
Communion Prayer
Zhŭ, wŏ dāng bù qĭ Nĭ dào wŏ xīn lĭ lái,
主 – Zhŭ = Lord, master, God 我 – wŏ = I
當 - dāng = to be, to act as, 不 – bù = no, not, (negative prefix)
起 - qĭ =to initiate, to get (from a place or source)/ (classifer for occurences or unpredictable events: case, instance)
祢 – Nĭ = you
到 – dào = to (a place), up to, to go,
我 – wŏ = I 心 – xīn = heart, mind, intention, center
裏 – lĭ = internal,
來 – lái = to come
zhĭ yào Nĭ shuō yí jù huà,
只要 - zhĭ yào = if only, 祢 – Nĭ = you
說 – shuō = to speak, to say
一句話 - yí jù huà = in a word, in short
wŏ de líng hún jìu huì quán
yù. 我 – wŏ = I 的 – de = (possesive marker)
靈魂 - líng hún = soul, spirit
就 – jìu = at once, right way, as soon as,
會- huì = can, to be able to, a moment
痊癒 - quán yù = to heal and recover completely

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