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Prayers at the Beginning of Mass (Liturgy of the Word)

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Here are the prayers for the Beginning of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word part of the Mass.    These are the prayers that are to be said by those that attend mass.



我向 全能 的 天主 和 各位 教友

wǒ xiàng quánnéng de TiānZhǔ hé gèwèi jiàoyǒu

- = I

- xiàng = to turn towards

全能- quánnéng = omnipotent

- de = of (structural particle)

天主- Tiā Zhǔ= Lord of God of Heaven

- = and, together, with, 各位- gèwèi = everybody

教友-jiàoyǒu = Church member

承認 我 思言

chéngrèn wǒ sī yán

承認- chéngrèn = to admit, to concede, to recognize

- = I

- = to think, to consider

- yán = words, speech

行 為 上 的 過失

xíng wéi shǎng de guòshī

- xíng = behavior, conduct

- wéi = to act as, to serve as, to behave as, to become

- shǎng = above, upon

- de = of (structural particle)

過失- guòshī= defect, fault

我罪 我罪 我的 重罪

wǒzuì wǒzuì wǒde zhòngzuì

- = I

- zuì= guilt, crime, sin

- de= (possessive marker)

重罪- zhòngzuì = serious, crime, felony


為此 懇請 終身 童貞 聖母 瑪利亞

wèicǐ kěnqǐng zhōngshēn tóngzhēn Shèngmǔ Mǎlìyà

為此-wèicǐ= for this reason, in this respect, in order to do this

懇請-kěnqǐng= to request earnestly

終身- zhōngshēn= lifelong, all one’s life

童貞- tóngzhēn = virginity, chastity

聖母- Shèngmǔ= Holy Mother

瑪利亞- Mǎlìyà = Mary

天使 聖人

tiānshǐ shèngrén

天使- tiānshǐ= angel

聖人 - shèngrén= Saints

和 你們 各位教友

hé nǐmen gèwèi jiàoyǒu

- = and, together, with

你們- nǐmen = you (plural)

各位- gèwèi = everybody

教友-jiàoyǒu = Church member

為 我 祈求 上主

wèi wǒ qíqiú shǎng zhǔ

- wéi = to act as, to serve as, to behave as, to become

- = I

祈求- qíqiú = to pray for, to appeal

上主- shǎng zhǔ= Lord above

我們 的 天主 阿門

wǒmen de TiānZhǔ   Amen

- = I - men= (plural pronoun signifier)

- de= (possessive marker) wǒmende = Our

天主- Tiā Zhǔ= Heavenly God

阿門 - Āmén = Amen




Shàng zhŭ qíu Nĭ chuí lián

上主- shǎng zhǔ Lord above, God

求-qiú = to request, to seek 您-nín = you

垂-chuí = hand down, bequeath,

憐-lián = to pity


Jīdū, qíu Nĭ chuí lián.

基督 - Jīdū= Jesus Christ

求-qiú = to request, to seek 您-nín = you

垂-chuí = hand down, bequeath,

憐-lián = to pity


Shàng zhŭ qíu Nĭ chuí lián.

上主- shǎg zhǔ Lord above, God

求-qiú = to request, to seek 您-nín = you

垂-chuí = hand down, bequeath,

憐-lián = to pity






Tiāzhǔ zài tiān shòu guāng róng

天主 - Tiāzhǔ= God, Heavenly Lord

- zài = in, at, (location)

- tiā = heaven

- shòu = to receive, to accept, to suffer, to be subjected to, to bear

光榮 - guāngróng = honor and glory, glorious


zhǔ ài de rén zài shì xiǎng píng'ān

- zhǔ = master, Lord, God  - ài = to love

的 – de = (possesive particle)

- rén = person, man, people

在世 - zàishì = to be alive

- xiǎng = to enjoy, to benefit, to have the use of

平安- píng'ān = at peace, safe and sound, quiet and safe


zhǔ tiān zhǔ tiān shàng de jūnwáng

- zhǔ = master, Lord, God

天主 - Tiānzhǔ = God, Heavenly Lord

天上 - tiānshàng = hevenly, celestial

的 – de = (possesive particle)

君王 - jūnwáng = sovereign king


quánnéng de Tiānzhǔ Shèng Fù

全能- quánnéng = omnipotent 的 – de = (possesive particle)

天主 - Tiānzhǔ = God, Heavenly Lord

聖父 - Shèng Fù = God the Father, Holy Father


wǒmen wèile nín wúshàng de guāngróng

我們 - wǒmen = we, us, our

為了 - wèile = in order, for the purpose of, so as to

- nín = you (formal form) 無上 - wúshàng = supreme

的 – de = (possesive particle)

光榮 - guāngróng = honor and glory


zànměi nín

讚美 - zànměi = to admire, to praise

- nín = you (formal form)


chēngsòng nín

稱頌 - chēngsòng = to praise - nín = you (formal form)


cháobài nín

朝拜 - cháobài = to worship, to make customary deferences to, a pilgrimage

- nín = you (formal form


xiǎyáng nín

顯揚- xiǎyáng = to praise, to commend, to hallow

- nín = you (formal form)


gǎnxiè nín

感謝 - gǎnxiè= thanks (express), gratitude, grateful, thankful

- nín = you (formal form)


Zhǔ Yēsū Jīdū dú shēngzǐ

- zhǔ= master, Lord, God

耶穌基督 - Yēsū Jīdū= Jesus Christ

獨生子 - dú shēngzǐ= only son


Zhǔ Tiānzhǔ

- zhǔ= master, Lord, God

天主 - Tiān zhǔ= God, Heavenly Lord


Tiān zhǔ de gāoyáng

天主 - Tiānzhǔ= God, Heavenly Lord

的 - de = (possesive particle)

羔羊- gāoyáng = lamb, sheep


Shèng Fù zhī zǐ

聖父 - Shèng Fù= God the Father, Holy Father

- zhī= (possessive particle used for pronouns)

- zǐ= son, child


chú miǎn shì zuì zhě

- chú= to remove, to wipe out, to get rid of

免 - miǎn = to exempt, to remove

- shì= world, life, age, era, descendant

- zuì= guilt, sin, fault

- zhě= (after a noun) a person involved in... /er/est


qiú nín chuí lián wǒmen

- qiú= to request, to beseech

- nín = you (formal form)

垂 - chuí= to bequeath, to hand down, to grant

- lián = to pity,

[垂憐- chuílián = to have mercy]

我們 - wǒmen = we, us, our


chú miǎn shì zuì zhě

- chú= to remove, to wipe out, to get rid of

– miǎn = to exempt, to remove

- shì= world, life, age, era, descendant

- zuì= guilt, sin, fault

- zhě= (after a noun) a person involved in... /er/est


qiú nín fǔ tìng wǒmen de qídǎo

- qiú= to request, to beseech

- nín = you (formal form)

- fǔ= to look down, to stoop

- tìng = to sentence, to allow/ to listen to hear

我們 - wǒmen = we, us, our

的 ・ de = (possesive particle)

祈禱- qídǎo = to pray, prayer, to say one’s prayers


Zuò zài Shèng Fù zhīyòu zhě

- zuò= to sit

- zài = (location prepostion) at,

聖父 - Shèng Fù= God the Father

- zhī= his (possesive particle)

- yòu = right (hand),

- zhě= (after a verb or adjective) one who (is)...


qiú nín chuí lián wǒmen

- qiú= to request, to beseech

- nín = you (formal form)

垂 ・ chuí= to bequeath, to hand down, to grant

- lián = to pity,

[垂憐- chuílián = to have mercy]

我們 - wǒmen = we, us, our


yīwèi zhǐyǒu nín shì shèng de

因為 - yīwèi = because, on account of

只有- zhǐyǒu = only

- nín = you (formal form)

- shì= is, am, are, to be

- shèng = holy, sacred

的 ・ de = (possesive particle)


zhǐǒ nín shì zhǔ

只有- zhǐyǒu = only

- nín = you (formal form)

- shì= is, am, are, to be

- zhǔ= master, Lord, God


yīwèi zhǐyǒu nín shì zhìgāowúshàng de

因為 - yīnwèi = because, on account of

只有- zhǐyǒu = only

- nín = you (formal form)

- shì= is, am, are, to be

至高無上 - zhìgāowúshàng = supreme, paramount, unsurpassed, highest

的 - de = (possesive particle)



耶穌基督 - YēsūJīū= Jesus Christ


nín hé Shèngshén

- nín = you (formal form)

- hé= together with, with, union

聖神 - Shèngshén = Holy Spirit


Tóng xiǎng TiānzhǔShèng Fù de

- tóng = together, with

- xiǎng = to benefit,

天主 - Tiānzhǔ= Heavenly Lord, God

聖父 - Shèng Fù= God the Father,

的 ・ de = (possesive particle)

光榮 - guāngróng = honor and glory, glorious


yà mèng = Amen

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