
Prayer to Our Lady of China
yù Mǎlìyà, Tiānzhǔ zhī mǔ,
吁- yù = implore 瑪利亞 – Mǎlìyà = Mary
天主 – Tiānzhǔ = God, Heavely Lord 之 - zhī = (possesive particle)
母 – mǔ = mother
yì wèi wǒděng zhī mǔ
亦 – yì = also 為 – wèi = to take ___ as, to serve as, to act as, to be
我等 – wǒděng = we, us 之 - zhī = (possesive particle)
母 – mǔ = mother
亦 – yì = also 為 – wèi = to take ___ as, to serve as, to act as, to be
我等 – wǒděng = we, us 之 - zhī = (possesive particle)
母 – mǔ = mother
jīn qiāng wǒděng Shén xíng, wǒděng
今 - jīn = today, now 將 – qiāng = to desire, to invite, to request
我等 – wǒděng = we, us 神 – Shén = God
形 – xíng = to appear, to look, form, shape
我等 – wǒděng = we, us 能力 – nénglì = capability, able, capable
wǒděng shēngmìng , wǒděng yánxíng , wǒděng
我等 – wǒděng = we, us 生命 – shēngmìng = life, living,
我等 – wǒděng = we, us 言行 – yánxíng = words and actions, what one says
and what one does
我等 – wǒděng = we, us 所有 – suǒyǒu = all, to have, to possess,
to own
bìng Zhōnghuá quánguó rénmín , yǐ xiào ài zhī zhēnqíng
並 – bìng = and, furthermore, together with, to combine, to join, to merge
中華 – Zhōnghuá = China 全國 – quánguó = whole nation,
人民 – rénmín = the people 以 – yǐ = to use, according to, by means of, in order to
孝 – xiào = filial piety or obedience 愛 – ài = to love, affection, to be fond of
之 - zhī = (possesive particle) 真情 – zhēnqíng = real situation, the truth
quán xiàn yú ěr zhì gān zhì'ài zhī shèngxīn
全 – quán = all, whole, entire, 獻 – xiàn = to offer, present dedicate
於 – yú = in, at, to from, by, than, out of 爾 – ěr = thus, so, like that, you, thou
至 – zhì = to arrive, most, to until 甘- gān = sweet, willing
愛之 - zhì'ài = most beloved 之 - zhī = (possesive particle)
聖心 – shèngxīn = Sacred Heart
qiú ěr wèi zhòng sīduó, jí zhū chuánjiào zhě zhī mǔ
求 – qiú = to request, to beseech 爾 – ěr = thus, so, like that
為 – wèi = because of, for, to 眾 – zhòng = many, numerous, crowd, multitude
司鐸 – sīduó = priest, 及 – jí = and, to reach, up to, in time for
諸 – zhū = all, various 傳教 – chuánjiào = to preach, missonary, to evangelize
者 – zhě = (after a verb or adjective) one who (is),
之 - zhī = (possesive particle) 母 – mǔ = mother
shǐ zhī jiē yǐ héngxīn rè'ài, guǎng yáng Tiānzhǔ shèng jiào
使 – shǐ = to make, to cause, to enable, to instruct __ to do ___, envoy
之 - zhī = (possesive particle) 皆 – jiē = all, each and every, in all cases
以 – yǐ = to use, according to, so as to, by means of, in order to
恆心 – héngxīn = perseverance 熱愛 - rè'ài = to love, ardently, to adore
廣 – guǎng = wide, numerous, to spread
揚 – yáng = to raise, to hoist, the action of winnowing, scattering, to propagate
天主 – Tiānzhǔ = God, Heavenly Lord, Catholic 聖- shèng = holy
教 -jiào= religion, teaching
yòu qiú ěr wéi jiàoyǒu zhī mǔ,
又 – yòu = also, and yet 求 – qiú = to request, to beseech 爾 – ěr =
thus, so, like that
為 – wèi = because of, for, to 教友 – jiàoyǒu = church member 之 - zhī
= (possesive particle) 母 – mǔ = mother,
shǐ zhī jiē néng rì jìn yú dé, shí jiàn zēngguǎng
使 – shǐ = to make, to cause, to enable, to instruct __ to do ___, envoy
之 - zhī = (possesive particle) 皆 – jiē = all, each and every, in all cases 能 –
néng = to be able, to be capable of , ability
日 – rì = sun, day, date, day of the month 進 - jìn = to advance, to enter, to come (or go) into, to
receive or admit, /used after a verb, into, in 於 – yú = in, at, to, from, by, than, out of 德 –
dé = virture, goodness, morality, ethic, kindness, favor, character, kind
時見 - shí jiàn = time 增廣 – zēngguǎng = to widen
bìng qiú ěr wéi wàijiào zhě zhī mǔ
並 – bìng = and, furthermore, also, together 求 – qiú = to request, to beseech 爾
– ěr = thus, so, like that
為 – wèi = because of, for, to 外教 – wàijiào = foreign teacher, / religion other than ____
者 – zhě = (after a verb or adjective) one who (is), (after a noun) person involved in…, -er, -ist,
之 - zhī = (possesive particle) 母 – mǔ = mother,
shǐ zhī jiē néng chū lí àn míng , ér dé xìn zhī guāng
使 – shǐ = to make, to cause, to enable, to instruct __ to do ___, envoy
之 - zhī = (possesive particle) 皆 – jiē = all, each and every, in all cases 能 –
néng = to be able, to be capable of , ability
出 – chū = to go out, to come out, to occur, to produce, to go beyond, to put forth
離 - lí = to leave, to part from, to be away from, independent of
暗 - àn = dark, gloomy, hidden, secret, muddled, obscure 冥 – míng = dark, deep, the underworld
而 – ér = and, as well as, and so, (indicates casual relation) , (indicates change of state),
得 – dé = to obtain, to get, to gain, proper, suitable, contented, to allow, to permit
信 – xìn = to trust, to believe, to profess faith in
德 – dé = virture, goodness, morality, ethic, kindness, favor, character, kind
之 - zhī = (possesive particle) 光 – guāng = light, ray, bright, only, merely, to use up
kěnqiú lián shì Zhōngguó yì rénmín,
懇求 – kěnqiú = to beseech, to entreat 憐 - lián = to pity
視 - shì = to look at, to regard, to inspect 中國- Zhōngguó = China
億 - yì = 100 million 兆 - zhào = portend, to foretell, million, trillion , billion
人民 - rénmín = the people
皆爾聖子聖血所贖, 賴爾大功之轉求,
jiē ěr Shèngzǐ shèng xuè suǒ shú , lài ěr dàgōng zhī zhuǎn qiú
皆 – jiē = all, each and every, in all cases 爾 – ěr = thus, so, like that, you,
聖子 – Shèngzǐ = God the son, Jesus Christ 聖血 - shèng xuè = precious blood, holy blood
所 - suǒ = actually, place,/ that which/ (particle introducing a relative clause or passive
贖 – shú = to redeem, to ransom ,
賴 – lài = to depend on, to hang on in a place, to put the blame on
爾 – ěr = thus, so, like that, you, thou 大功 – dàgōng = great merit, great service
之 – zhī = (possessive particle) 轉 – zhuǎn = to convey, to transfer, to turn, to shift
求 – qiú = to request, to beseech
cì zhī tóng guī Yēsū shèngxīn,
賜 - cì = to confer, to bestow, to grant 之 – zhī = (possessive particle)
同 – tong = like, same, similar, together, alike, with
歸 – guī = to return, to go back to, to give back to, to belong to,
耶穌聖心 - Yēsū shèngxīn = Sacred Heart of Jesus
yǐ dé shēngmìng shèng dé zhī yuán , ér gòng chéng yī mù yī zhàn
以 – yǐ = abbreviation for Israel以色列 or to use, according to, so as to, by means
of, in order to, by, with, because
得 – dé = to obtain, to get, to gain 生命 – shēngmìng = life, living, biological 聖
– shèng = holy, sacred, saint,
德 – dé = virtue, goodness, morality, ethic, kindness, favor, character, kind 之 – zhī = (possessive
而 – ér = and, as well as, and so, (indicates casual relation) , (indicates change of state),
共 – gong = common, general, to share, together, total, altogether
成 – chéng = to succeed, to finish, to complete, to accomplish, to become, to turn into
一 – yī = one 牧 – mù = to herd, 棧 – zhàn = a pen for animals, a collected
group of sheep or cattle, flock
jìn jiào zhī yòu , wéi wǒděng qí .
進 – jìn = to advance, to enter, to come into, to receive or admit, to submit or present, (used after a
verb) into, in
教 – jiào = religion, teaching, to make, to cause, to tell 之 – zhī = (possessive particle)
佑 – yòu = to assist, to protect , 為 - wéi = as (in the capacity of), to take __th as, to act as,
to serve as, to behave as,
我等 – wǒděng = we, us, our 祈 - qí = to implore, to pray, to request
Mǎlìyà, shèng chǒng zhī mǔ, wéi wǒděng qí.
瑪利亞 – Mǎlìyà = Mary, Blessed Mother Mary
聖 – shèng = holy, sacred, saint, 寵 – chǒng = to love, to pamper, to favor 之 –
zhī = (possessive particle)
母 – mǔ = mother,
為 - wéi = as (in the capacity of), to take __th as, to act as, to serve as, to behave as,
我等 – wǒděng = we, us, our 祈 - qí = to implore, to pray, to request
zài tiān Zhōngguó zhīhòu, wéi wǒděng qí. Āmén
在 – zài = (preposition of place) in, at, on, 天 – tiān = day, sky, heaven
中國 – Zhōngguó = China 之后 - zhīhòu = afterwards, following, later, after
為 - wéi = as (in the capacity of), to take __th as, to act as, to serve as, to behave as,
我等 – wǒděng = we, us, our 祈 - qí = to implore, to pray, to request
阿門- Āmén = Amen





Prayer to Our Lady of
China Hail, Holy Mary, Mother
of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of all nations and all people. You are the special heavenly Mother of the Chinese
Teach us your way of total obedience to God's will. Help us to live our lives true to our faith. Fill
our hearts with burning love for God and each other. Stir up in our youth an unconditional giving of self to the service
of God.
We call on your powerful intercession for peace, reconciliation and unity among believers and the conversion
of the unbelievers in China and throughout the world, for God's mercy is our only hope.
Our Lady of China, Mother
of Jesus, hear our petitions and pray for us. Amen.

