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Chaplet of the Holy Face

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Holy Face Chaplet

聖容誦經念珠 Holy Face Chaplet
哦天主來我的協助, 上主您速速幫助我。
o Tiānzhǔ lái wǒ de xiézhù. shàng zhǔ nǐ sùsù
bāngzhù wǒ.

哦 – o = Oh ( a particle calling towards someone) 天主 – Tiānzhǔ = God, Heavenly Lord 來 – lái = to come, 我- wǒ = me, my 的 – de = (possessive marker) 協助 – xiézhù = to provide assistance, to aid 上主 - shàng zhǔ = Lord above, God 您 – nín = you 速速 – sùsù = fast, haste, make haste, hurry 幫助 – bāngzhù = assistance, aid, to help, to assist 我- wǒ = me, my



我的耶穌慈悲 和 聖三光榮經
wǒ de Yēsū cíbēi hé shèng sān guāngróng jīng  
我- wǒ = me, my 的 – de = (possessive marker) 耶穌 – Yēsū = Jesus 慈悲 – cíbēi = mercy 和 - hé = and 聖三光榮經 - shèng sān guāngróng jīng = The Glory Be  
“起來, 上主,讓您的仇敵驅散
  qǐlai, shàng zhǔ, ràng nǐ de chóudí qūsàn,  
起來 – qǐlai = to stand up, arise 上主 - shàng zhǔ = Lord above, God 讓 – ràng = to let___ do ____, to have ____ do ____ 您 – nín = you 的 – de = (possessive marker) 仇敵 – chóudí = enemy 驅散 – qūsàn = to disperse, to break up  
ràng hèn nǐ de rén miànqián táopǎo nǐ de shèng róng  
讓 – ràng = to let___ do ____, to have ____ do ____ 恨 – hèn = to hate, 您 – nín = you 的 – de = (possessive marker) 人 - rén = man, person, people 面前 – miànqián = in front of, facing, (in the) presence (of) 逃跑 – táopǎo = to flee from ___ , to run away, to escape 您 – nín = you 的 – de = (possessive marker) 聖容 - shèng róng = Holy Face  
我的耶穌慈悲 和 聖三光榮經
wǒ de Yēsū cíbēi hé shèng sān guāngróng jīng  
我- wǒ = me, my 的 – de = (possessive marker) 耶穌 – Yēsū = Jesus 慈悲 – cíbēi = mercy 和 - hé = and 聖三光榮經 - shèng sān guāngróng jīng = The Glory Be  
哦天主,我們的保護者看看在我們身上, .
 Tiānzhǔ, wǒmen de bǎohùzhě kànkan zài wǒmen shēnshang,
  哦 – o = Oh ( a particle calling towards someone) 天主 – Tiānzhǔ = God, Heavenly Lord 我- wǒ = me, my 的 – de = (possessive marker) 保護者 – bǎohùzhě = protector 看看 - kànkan = to take a look at, to watch 在 – zài = (preposition of place) at, ( to be) in 我們 – wǒmen = we, us, our 身上 - shēnshang = on the body, at hand, among  
bìng qīdài zài nǐ de shèng róng Jīdū.
  並 – bìng = and, furthermore, also, together with, simultaneously, to combine, to join, to merge 期待 - qīdài = to look forward to, to await, to expectation 在 – zài = (preposition of place) at, ( to be) in 您 – nín = you 的 – de = (possessive marker) 聖容 - shèng róng = Holy Face 基督 – Jīdū = Christ

Holy Face Chaplet    


On the holy face medal:


“O God come to my assistance.  Lord make haste to help me.”  And a glory be.





Next three beads:

“My Jesus Mercy” and a Glory Be




On Large beads in Chaplet pray:

“Arise, O Lord and let Thy enemies be scattered,

and let them that hate thee flee before
Thy Holy Face!”



On the Next six smaller beads pray:

“My Jesus Mercy”  and a Glory Be 


And Pray again on each set of smaller beads.



At the end of the Chaplet on the Holy Face Medal pray


“ O God, Our Protector look upon us,

And look upon the Face of Thy Christ.”


















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