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Hail Mary in Chinese and the Rosary

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Listen to the Rosary in Chinese: Joyful Myteries
Listen to the Rosary in Chinese: Luminous Mysteries
Listen to the Rosary in Chinese: Sorrowful Mysteries
Listen to the Rosary in Chinese: Glorious Mysteries

...All Rosary Video and Audio is at   website.   You can download the Audio by clicking on download button on the top left of the website.  The audio is in mp3 format.

click here to download the Hail Mary in Chinese mp3

聖母經 下載 上邊 mp3


Hail Mary


Wàn fú Mǎ lì yà
萬- Wàn= innumerable      福- fú = blessings
 瑪麗亞- Mǎlìyà = Mary
nǐ chōng mǎn shèng chǒng
你- nǐ = you     充滿- chōng mǎn= full of, brimming with
聖-shèng = holy, sacred    寵- chǒng= to love, to favor
zhǔ yǔ nǐ tóngzài 
主- zhǔ= lord, God       與-yǔ= to give, together with
你- nǐ = you             同在- tóngzài = to be with
nǐ zài fùnǚ zhōng shòu zàn sòng  
你- nǐ = you 在-zài = in, at, on (preposition of place)
 婦女- fùnǚ = woman     中- zhōng= within, among,
受-shòu= to receive, to accept, to suffer, subjected to
贊- zàn = to praise, to support
頌- sòng = to praise, eulogy
你的親子 耶穌同受贊頌。
nǐ de qīnzǐ Yēsū tóng shòu zàn sòng
 你- nǐ = you       的- de = (possessive maker)
親子- qīnzǐ =parent and child (relationship)
耶穌- Yēsū = Jesus      同- tóng = like, similar, together
受-shòu= to receive, to accept, to suffer, subjected to
贊- zàn = to praise, to support  
頌- sòng = to praise, eulogy
Tiān Zhǔ Shèng mǔ Mǎlìyà
天主- Tiān Zhǔ= Lord of Heaven, God
聖母-shèng mǔ = Holy Mother, Virgin Mary
瑪麗亞- Mǎlìyà = Mary
qiú nǐ xiànzài hé wǒmen línzhōng shí.
求- qiú = to request, to seek 你- nǐ = you
現在- xiànzài = now 和- hé= and, together, with
我們- wǒmen= we, us, our
 臨終- línzhōng= approaching one’s end,
時- shí= time, period, when
wéi wǒmen zuìrén qíqiú Tiān Zhǔ Āmén
為- wéi = to act as, to serve as, to become
我們- wǒmen= we, us, our     罪人- zuìrén = sinner
祈求- qíqiú = to pray for, to appeal
天主- Tiān Zhǔ= Lord of Heaven, God
阿門- Āmén = Amen



Hail Mary Prayer - English

Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death.

Latin Translation:    拉丁文
Ave Maria
Ave Maria gratia plena,
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus
fructus ventris tui, Iesus
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae

click here to download the Hail Mary in Latin Ave Maria mp3

聖母經 拉丁文 下載 上邊 mp3

Links to the Rosary in Chinese: 

Video: The Joyful Mysteries in Chinese玖瑰經 歡喜五端  

Video: The Luminous Mysteries in Chinese玖瑰經 光明五端

Video: The Sorrowful Mysteries in Chinese玖瑰經 痛苦五端    

Video: The Glorious Mysteries in Chinese玖瑰經 榮福五端


Our  Lady of Dong Lu China.  >

Lady of Dong Lu China  

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I would like to possibly expand the website and and do some more printing of materials, but I can't do that without some money.

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Thank You!

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